Franklin County

Submitted by admin on Tue, 11/17/2015 – 11:05


As the administrative head of Franklin County government, the Board of Commissioners set the strategic direction and fiscal priorities for the 33rd largest county in the nation. A board of three county commissioners serves as the general administrative body for 86 of 88 Ohio counties. Commissioners are elected to a four-year term.

Given specific and limited authority by the Ohio Revised Code, the Board of Commissioners hold title to all county properties, serve as the sole taxing authority for the county and control county purchasing. Most importantly, the Board of Commissioners are the budget and appropriating authority for county government which includes all county agencies and elected officials (Sheriff, Auditor, Treasurer, Courts, etc.)

The Franklin County Board of Commissioners manages an annual budget of $1.25 billion and works with business and community leaders to preserve the high quality of life that makes Franklin County a great place to live and work. The annual budget reflects a solid commitment to the Commissioners’ goals to provide community safety, security and effective justice, promote job creation, strategic economic development and fiscal security, provide supportive health and human services, promote good stewardship of natural resources, environmental sustainability and civic engagement and provide efficient, responsive and fiscally sustainable government operations.

See also  OSU College of Social Work

Category: News


The Neighborhood House Inc.

Charles Wheeler, President/CEO

Phone: (614) 252-4941

Fax: (614) 246-2029



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